2019 Conference Details
You Can Earn 11 RCH's at The 2019 Payroll Conference
Hotel Room Booking Information: If you would like a room at the Resort, your room rate will be $129.00 per night if you use the reference code "New York Statewide Payroll Conference". You must register with the hotel by 9/4/19 to secure that rate. Please book your room directly through the hotel (separate from registering for the Conference) by contacting the del Lago Resort at 315-946-1777.
1-day rate: $199.00
Thursday, September 26, 2019
10:30 - 11:45 Registration/Vendor Hall
11:45 - 1:30 Lunch & Learn
1:45 - 2:45 Session 1
2:45 3:00 Break
3:00 - 4:00 Session 2
4:00-4:15 Break
4:15 - 5:15 Session 3
5:15 - 5:45 Networking/Vendor Hall - Cash bar/Appetizers
5:45 - 7:30 Dinner/Learn
Friday, September 27, 2019
7:00 - 7:45 Breakfast
7:45 - 9:15 Legislative update
9:15 - 9:30 Break
9:30 - 10:30 Session 4
10:30 - 10:45 Photo Op
10:45- 11:15 Vendor Hall & Networking Opportunity
11:15 - 12:45 Lunch & Learn
12:45 - 1:45 Session 5
1:45 - 2:00 Break
2:00 - 2:45 Wrap- Up / Door Prizes (Must be Present to Win)
Our 2019 Keynote Speakers
Opening Keynote
Lunch & Learn General Session: The Reality of Living and Working Today
Sarah Pillitere & Debbie Spencer
In this session we will discuss some of the sources of stress in addition to some of our daily responsibilities where stress is an inherent part of the job. We will share and review how unmanaged stress keeps us and our employees from reaching our full potential. Participants have the opportunity to reflect on themselves as well as what their employees and coworkers may be experiencing, and feeling every day while at work. This presentation focuses on communication techniques to best support your employees. Together, we will explore different options to re-engage your employees and teams when you know something is holding them back from being productive, high performing members of your organization.
Presentation includes: discussion of main points and resources to help you learn more, a self-reflection exercise, small group discussions and building an individual action plan.
Dinner + Learn Keynote
Sexual Harassment Prevention Update
Michael J. Sciotti
The “Me Too Movement” created a chain reaction which ultimately led to New York State adopting one of the most progressive sexual harassment prevention laws in the country. The new legislation creates new sources of liability for all employers, and will undoubtedly result in more sexual harassment claims being brought against employers as employers are now required to educate employees on how to file a sexual harassment claim against the employer. The New York State Senate and Assembly recently passed additional legislation (awaiting the governor’s signature) reducing the standard for employees to prove sexual harassment under the New York State Human Rights Law (i.e. what currently is not sexual harassment will be in the future should the new legislation pass).
This seminar will provide a comprehensive review for employers of (1) the new legislation; and (2) their sources of liabilities under federal, state and local law for sexual harassment in the workplace. The seminar will cover the following topics:
I. Liability Sources
A. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
B. New York State Human Rights Law
C. New York State Labor Law
D. New York State Workers’ Compensation Law
E. Local Laws
II. Individual & Employer Sexual Harassment Liability
A. Improper Conduct
B. Failure to Conduct Mandated Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
C. Improper Conduct During Mandated Training
D. Failure to Have Mandated Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy
E. Failure to Follow Mandated Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy
F. Mishandling of Sexual Harassment Investigation
G. Retaliation: A Trap for Owners
H. Independent Contractor Liability
III. Defensive Use of Internal Policies & Training
A. Burlington Industries, Inc. v. Ellerth & Faragher v. City of Boca Raton Defense
B. Proper Internal Policies
C. Proper Internal Training
D. Handling Independent Contractors
Session 1
1A: Next Generation Payments & Disbursements
- Focus on todays job market
- Early wage accrual
- Next generation disbursements
- Through simple plug-n-play integrations
Dallas Wilfong: Director of Sales, Eastern US
1B: Using Payroll as a Recruitment Tool
Recruiting talent has become a major issue for employers, especially with the nation at essentially full employment. Higher wages, more time off, working from home and expensive employer paid perks are some of the techniques being utilized. These all come with a cost and there isn’t one that will satisfy everyone.
One area, often overlooked, uses payroll deduction to allow employees to structure their own benefit plan often with favorable tax advantages to both the employer and employee. Payroll deduction is not a new benefit but many of the options being offered and many of the approaches now allowed under DOL rules make payroll deduction a valuable resource. Many studies have shown a greater satisfaction with benefit plans if the employee is allowed to choose what suits their personal situation.
Learn what’s available, what’s new, the pros and cons of payroll deduction and how new DOL rules can increase the value of payroll deduction
DANIEL E. COLACINO, Principal, Dan Colacino, LLC.
1C: Workers Comp Review
Who needs to be covered; Who doesn’t need to be covered; Obtaining insurance; Independent contractors; Why Comply with the Law
Neil Gilberg
Session 2
2A: 25 Ways to Positively Impact Payroll
Making a Positive Impact and Why it Matters- How do we get there: Automation, Information, Reconciliation, Process improvement, Technology
Christine Wescott, CPP & Virginia Pantle, CPP
2B: Fair Labor Standards Act Update
Proposed Overtime Changes; Proposed Joint Employment Rules; Proposed Changes to Overtime Calculations
Christopher J. Harrigan- from Barclay Damon, LLC
Session 3
3A: Unemployment taxation
3B: Equal Pay
Review of federal Equal Pay Act; Review of New York State Equal Pay Act and recent amendments; and Review of some recent decisions.
Rosemary Enright- from Barclay Damon, LLC
3C: Intro to Non-Resident Alien Taxation
Kirstin Guanciale
Session 4
4A: The USDOL Wage and Hour Division is the federal agency that enforces the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Shequeila Birdsong, Community Outreach and Resource Planning Specialist for the USDOL Wage and Hour Division, will provide a presentation on the Family Medical Leave Act’s coverage requirements, employee eligibility, qualifying reason for leave, and employers & employees responsibilities.
4B: Organizational Change Management: Change Up or Get Moved Out
Empirical research suggests that 70% of organizational change initiatives fail. If you are responsible for improving employee performance, streamlining processes, implementing technology, changing policy, increasing employee adoption, and for visible projects that can promote or demote you, then this discussion is one that you can’t afford to miss. This session will provide insightful information as to why employees resist change and 6 change readiness drivers that affect successful organization change.
4C: Certified Payroll & Prevailing wages
“Mistakes You’ll Never Make Again for Davis-Bacon Compliance Tracking and Reporting.”
Nick Foucault
Session 5
5A: IRS Updates and the 2020 W4 changes
Paycheck checkup/ withholding calculator; Employer credit for paid family & medical leave; The new 2020 W-4; Late breaking news for the payroll community; Issues or concerns from the membership
Steve Ingraham
5B: Recreation Marijuana & drug testing
New York State Recreational Activities Law; Current status of Proposed Adult Use Recreational Marijuana Legislation; Medical Marijuana Statute; Drug Testing Issues
Michael J. Sciotti
5C: Global Compliance